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Progress Not Perfection...

I thought I’d share a snippet of a 16 week Body Challenge essay I submitted not long ago. Firstly to show it’s entirely possible to be kind to your body, feed it what it needs and feel amazing despite all the other stuff going on in your life. And also to show it’s just as easy to get off track again, like my most recent Challenge. Easter, oh okay Easter Eggs got in the way, I forgot where I was up to, and forgot to submit anything so I didn’t pass go and collect the $200 (in product vouchers. Devastated!!

“Throughout this whole Challenge I was breastfeeding my gorgeous miracle of a baby. (They're all a miracle I know but after 7 miscarriages we were especially grateful he appeared after just a month of the high quality nutrition program I started with no great expectations.) I would love to have been able to cleanse and enjoy the full program, but despite this, I look freakin amazing for a 44yo new mum!"

Now before you go beating me up for outragously loving on myself like this, I already do a better job of putting myself down than anyone else could so bear with me here...

"I’ve always had pretty low self-esteem so the only reason I know this isn’t so much from admiring myself in the mirror (because at my age covered in baby vomit I just don’t). It’s because people tell me so. Which comes as a complete shock because Flynn has had me up all night, again, I’m sure I look like a Zombie and seriously can’t you see the bags under my eyes? "

So I’m still not good at accepting compliments but I’m working on it.

"Last week I even wore a jumpsuit for the first time in my life. And there were some pretty shocked looks when I told them it was my 15yo daughter’s, and she has no idea I borrowed it!

I’ve been putting off writing this essay because I thought my results aren’t that significant compared with everyone else’s that were able to go to the gym instead of being the walking food truck, comforter and bottom wiper 24/7 for a helpless baby. There were days I didn’t look in a mirror let alone do my hair. But every day without fail I was able to nourish my body with convenient and super yummy superfoods, and I’m convinced it’s the only thing that got me through those tough days. And what had me looking so fresh & fabulous when I had to get dressed because we were out of pretty much all food except smoothies and bars, or when I'd meet up with some other mum’s to stop me going completely crazy.

So yes I now realise I am proud of my results, for having the energy to run around after my now 13 month old baby & for being able to rock my teenage daughter’s jumpsuit!!”

When I found this essay in my computer I was surprised how well I did and pretty darned proud I managed to complete Challenge. And surprised too that this time was a totally different ball game, which all came down to mindset. I didn’t really take it seriously, and convinced myself I wasn’t up to it. I lost more baby weight without even trying, but the mind games I was playing with myself took over. Too busy. Not dedicated. Haven't exercised. Don’t deserve it because I ate a whole block of chocolate in 10 minutes flat.

But you know what? That was yesterday. I’ve accepted it for what it was, learned my lessons from it and I’m entering again. And this time I’ve got my stubborn pants on and a goal so ridiculous that even if I don’t quite reach it I’ll still have a strong, flexible bod, some abs (whether you can see them or not) a firm butt and a much stronger belief in myself.

Life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows and it’s not all rock bottom either. But it is totally up to us how we deal with it. Grab a couple of positive friends for accountability partners, nourish your mind and your body, and be kind to yourself when it all goes pear shaped, because at some stage it just will. You always have a choice what you think and how to react to any given moment in time.

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