Sally Jane Friday3 minThe Self Love LieSelf Love Sunday. I’m such a big fan of nurturing our minds, bodies and spirits so we can truly live and give our all in this crazy life...
Sally Jane Friday3 minProgress Not Perfection...I thought I’d share a snippet of a 16 week Body Challenge essay I submitted not long ago. Firstly to show it’s entirely possible to be...
Sally Jane Friday4 minThe Farmer's DaughterI was going to expand on last week’s clarity post but felt I should possibly shed some light on who I am. Which I’ve so far avoided...
Sally Jane Friday1 minThe Key To Lasting Change?Have you ever tried to hate yourself into changing? Sounds crazy right? But in reality it's so freaking common! You'll change your diet...
Sally Jane Friday1 minWhat Is This Hot Mess Goddess Anyway?Welcome!!! if you haven't figured it out yet Hot Mess Goddess isn't a porn site. Not in that sense anyway. So if you're still reading you...